Department of Information Technology
The department of Information Technology was established in 1999. The department offers B.Tech. (IT) programme, which combines faculties with expertise in various fields and good laboratory facilities for imparting knowledge to the students. This enables students to face the challenging needs of the industries and research institutions. The department is affiliated to Anna University & B.Tech. Information Technology Programme is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), AICTE, New Delhi.
The department conducted several national level workshops, Seminars, FDP, SDP, Conferences, etc. Our Department faculty members have published their research work in Reputed national/international Journals namely IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, IEEE Communications, ACM, Springer, etc. Our faculty members are involved in various research works, such as in the fields of Signal Processing, Image Processing, Networking, Data Mining, Soft Computing, etc.,
Course Offered | B.Tech. Information Technology |
Sanctioned Intake | 120 |
Course Duration | 4 Years |
Vision :
To become a Centre of Excellence in education and research in the field of Information Technology, to meet global challenges in computing industries.
Mission :
- To impart world-class knowledge in the field of Information Technology.
- To promote industry-institute interactions to empower the faculty members and students.
- To support and facilitate research and development activities.
- To develop all round personality by inculcating the values and skills needed for students to upgrade themselves as IT professionals.
Milestones :
- 1999: Department Established with 40 intake.
- 2000: AICTE sanctioned intake as 60.
- 2002: Tied up with CISCO Regional Academy, IBM.
- 2006: First National Conference on Computing and Communication
- 2007: International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Education of the Deaf / Hard of Hearing.
- 2008: Second National Conference on Computing and Communication.
- 2009: Accredited by NBA for 3 years. Signed MoU with EMC Corporation, Bangalore.
- 2010: First National Conference NCINCT ‘10.AICTE sponsored two weeks Faculty Development Programme.
- 2011: MCET got Autonomous status. AICTE sanctioned Intake as 120.
- 2012: Second National Conference NCINCT ’12.
- 2013: Accredited by NAAC.
- 2013: Reaccredited by NBA.
- 2014: Workshop on “Scrutiny of research works for patenting and technology commercialization”.
- 2015: NCCC’15, MoU Signed with Assistanz Technologies and SAP.
- 2016: NCCC’16 and Accredited by NBA
- 2017: NCCC’17, AICTE sponsored seminar on “Mobile App Development using Open Source for Cyber Secure Applications”.
- 2018: Skill Training Program course (Junior Software Developer) – AICTE PMKVY TI Scheme
- 2019: Extramural Research Project Sponsored by CSIR, MoU Signed with UiPath and Consultancy activities of L&T
- 2020: ICDIIS’20-AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Data Analytics, Intelligent Systems and Information Security” and NCCC’20
- 2021: Reaccredited by NBA
- 2023: Research Centre recognition from Anna University for the year 2023 - 2025
- 2023: Re-accredited with NAAC “A++” Grade during 2023-2030.