About Central Library:

- Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology library has wide collections and good resources for the benefit of students and faculty members. Library is housed in an area of about 1745.76 Sq.mtr. with seating capacity of 400.
- Library has six sections namely, Lending section, Reference section, Digital Library section, Journal section, Audio-Visual Section & Gratis section and Mahatma Gandhi Swami Vivekanandar study center.
- The separate periodical section subscribes 467 e-journals which include IEEE- 192 e-journals, Elsevier Science direct- 275 e-journals and 108 international print journals, and 108 national print journals. Digital Library has 32 computers. Students and faculties are accessing a huge range of electronic resources to support their studies, research and teaching.

- Library holds more than 66003 books/volumes, and hosted non-book materials covering various branches of Engineering, Technology, Science and Humanities and related fields.
- WEB-OPAC is the main search engine for library collections across library, providing access to availability of library resources through intranet.
- In addition to this, Library has Book bank facility. 3796 Back volumes are available (IEEE, ASME, ASCE, ACI, ACM)
- Barcode system is used for circulation. It has well equipped air conditioned facility.
- The digital library contains with IEEE-ASPP, Elsevier - Science direct e-Journals, Pearson e-Books. INFLIBNET-NLIST and DELNET, NDLI (National Digital Library of India), Shodhganga Swayam Prabha, e-PG Pathshala, membership for resource sharing across the country.
- Reading room facilities is available in library block the library is continuously engaged in developing reading interests among the students. A special provision has been made in the library block for students especially preparing for exams having a place where they can bring their own books, Notes etc.