Part of NIA Educational Institution


Knowledge Sharing Session

Department of Information Technology and The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Research Interest Group (AI & ML - RIG) organized a Knowledge Sharing Session on "Side Channel Attacks and Blockchain Technology" on March 19, 2025. Ms. S. Selvanayaki, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, served as the resource person.

Knowledge Sharing Session

The Department of Information Technology organized a Knowledge Sharing Session on "Static Malware Analysis using Open Source Tools" from March 19, 2025, with  Mr. N. Praveen Sundra Kumar, AP(SS) as resource persons.


Three days Facuty Development Programme (FDP)

The Department of Information Technology organized a three-day FDP on "Deep Learning and Its Applications" from March 13–15, 2025, with Dr. Venkatesan M (NIT Puducherry) and Dr. Arumuga Arun R (VIT Vellore) as resource persons.


IT Department Activities

IT Student Achivements