Part of NIA Educational Institution

Automobile Engineering

Department of Automobile Engineering

Automobile Sector is the field which has been witnessing unprecedented developments in the recent years. Its growth, being driven by the technological developments in multidisciplinary domains, the need for engineers with relevant and competent knowledge and skills will be strongly felt.

In order to cater such a need, the Department of Automobile Engineering was started in the college in the year 2007, with the strong backing of the Sakthi Group of Companies, which also has a strong presence in the automobile sector.

Since automobile engineering is the discipline that requires theoretical inputs to go hand in hand with practical exposure, the department strives to provide intensive in-plant training of considerable duration to all the students in major automobile companies. It is already in the process of networking with industries for the purpose. To start with, ABT Technical Institute, Sakthi Auto Components Limited and ABT industries have agreed in principle to offer high quality training.

With such an academic exposure, it is obvious that the graduating students will have greater opportunities of getting placed in leading companies globally.

The department further encourages professional activity of the staff and students through the SAE INDIA Collegiate Club and the Technical Association wing of the department christened as AVES (Association of Vehicle Engineers). These forums provide the platform for the students for enriching the knowledge in the field and also to have an exposure to the latest developments.

Presently, the department is offering a four year degree programme leading to Bachelor of Engineering in Automobile Engineering with an annual intake of 60 students.

Department of Automobile Engineering

Automobile Engineering Department

Engineering in Automobiles

Department of Automobile Engineering


    To offer cutting-edge technology in the broad area of automobile engineering and develop globally competitive engineers.


  • To develop automobile engineering graduates for a successful career in automotive industry around the globe through effective teaching-learning and training.
  • To develop the capability of graduates for creating innovative products / systems to enhance the quality of life.
  • To inculcate in them the ability to solve societal problems through engineering and professional skills.