The laboratory is in 95 square meters space including special equipments for measuring two dimensions & three dimension stresses, strain and load carrying capacity for the RCC, Steel and Composite structures/Components with the help of in-house fabrication and setup of loading frame and electrical strain gauges. This laboratory can be used for U.G, P.G and Research/Consultancy purpose and also for various outsourcing services including private and public sectors. The laboratory is managed by a full time laboratory in-charge.
- Loading Frame
- Rebound hammer
- Ultrasonic pulse velocity tester
- Data acquisition system
- Proving ring 25 ton capacity
- Load cell compression type 50 ton capacity
- Load cell compression type 10 ton capacity
- Load cell compression type 5 ton capacity
- LVDT- 0.25 AS
- LVDT- 0.20 AS
- Horizontal shake table
- Concrete mixer machine with re-tread tyre wheel
The laboratory is in 95 square meters space which includes the equipments for measuring & verifying the basic concepts, important theorems available in the Structural analysis and Structural mechanics theory subjects. This is useful for U.G students for better understanding the concepts about the behaviour of members/materials when subjected to the external loading by the suitable models and apparatus available in the laboratory. Assessing the concrete quality is also a vital part in the laboratory experiments.
- Pin Joint Truss Apparatus
- Two hinged arch apparatus
- Three hinged arch apparatus
- Elastic and continuous beam apparatus
- Column buckling apparatus
- L box apparatus
- V funnel apparatus
- U box apparatus
- J ring apparatus
- Flexure testing m/c 100 kN
- Digital inclinometer
- Shear centre apparatus
The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory course is an indispensable supplement to the theory. It covers measuring devices and techniques, error analysis in experimental works and analysis of assumptions in the theory of fluid mechanics.
- Metacentric height apparatus
- Reynolds apparatus
- Pitot tube (Prandtl type)
- Notches & weirs apparatus
- Venturimeter, Orificemeter apparatus
- Apparatus for study of losses in pipe
- Orifice and mouth pieces apparatus
- Impact of jet on vanes apparatus
- Submersible pump test rig
- Gear pump test rig
- Jet pump test rig
- Centrifugal pump test rig
- Reciprocating pump test rig
- Pelton wheel turbine test
- Francis turbine test rig
- Turgo impulse wheel turbine test rig
- Rotameter
- Kaplan turbine test rig
- Bernoulli Verification apparatus

The laboratory is having the equipments for measuring mechanical properties and strength of materials includes RCC, Steel and Composites. This laboratory could be used for both U.G, P.G and Research/Consultancy purpose and also for various outsourcing services including private and public sectors. The laboratory is managed by a fulltime laboratory in-charge
- FIE – Electronic Universal Testing Machine with Digital control panel with software panel
- Impact testing machine
- Torsion Testing machine
- Compression testing machine
- Vickers Hardness testing machine
- Rockwell cum Brinell hardness tester
- Tensile testing Machine
Consultancy in Strength of Materials Lab:
- Tensile Strength
- Hardness
- Impact strength
Steel testing

The objective of Construction materials laboratory is to determine the physical properties of building construction materials like cement, fine and coarse aggregate, steel, wood, and strength characteristics of cement mortar. The tests include determination of specific gravity, fineness, normal consistency, setting times, workability and soundness of cement, fineness modulus of fine and coarse aggregate, strength of cement mortar, and bricks. The students will be able to infer the suitability of these materials for construction.
- Vicat’s Apparatus
- Impact Testing Machine
- Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine
- Aggregate Crushing Apparatus
- Tile Flexural Testing Machine
- Blains Test Apparatus
- Flakiness & Elongation Apparatus
- Lee Chatlier Apparatus
Consultancy Tests Carried in Laboratory:
1 . Cement
- Physical tests
- Fineness
- Setting time
- Compressive strength
- Soundness
2 . Sand
- Sieve analysis
- Specific gravity
- Bulk density
- Bulking.
3 . Coarse Aggregate
- Sieve analysis
- Bulk density
- Specific gravity
- Water absorption
- Aggregate crushing test
- Flakiness index
- Aggregate impact test
- Elongation index
- Deval abrasion
Laboratory testing is the common element which all participants in the construction process utilize to provide assurance that their part of the process is correct. In this context, Concrete lab provides facilities for testing concrete in fresh and hardened state. Consultancy work for various construction firms are done extensively in the lab. It includes test for compressive strength, flexural strength, fineness and mix design of concrete etc. Thus a hands on exposure to these tests helps the students to craft themselves to be a civil engineer with better confidence and assessment skills.
- Compression testing machine 2000KN Capacity.
- Lab type Concrete mixer unit
- Compaction factor test apparatus
- Mortar cube moulds (7.05 x 7.05 x 7.05 cm)
Consultancy Tests Carried in Laboratory:
1 . Concrete
- Mix design of normal concrete
- Compression test on concrete cubes/cylinders/blocks
- Modulus of rupture test on prism
- Workability tests on fresh concrete
- Permeability test
- Concrete mix design with / without plasticisers

This laboratory contains different equipments used to categorize soil and bitumen binders in terms of their properties and quality control and provides an additional exposure to the testing of Highway Construction materials for the Civil Engineering students.
- Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
- Bitumen Binder Extraction Apparatus
- Penksy Martens Flash and Fire point apparatus
- Bitumen ductility testing machine
- Consultancy Tests Carried in Laboratory:
1 . Bitumen Testing
- Penetration Test
- Softening Point
- Ductility Test
- Solubility Test
- Flash and Fire Point
2 . Bituminous Mixes Testing
- Bitumen Content
- Gradation of Aggregate From Bituminous Sample
- Benkelman Beam Test
- Marshall Stability Test
Students will be involved in sampling, testing and evaluating soils in order to build a comprehensive knowledge about soil characteristics and their physical properties. Properties include soil strength and settlement under weights, and soil response to compaction. The student is introduced to field investigation and testing. He/ She is also familiarized with the relative compaction and consolidation procedures.
1)Field geological investigation
a) Soil Penetration Test(SPT)
b) Boring Test
c) Field Density Test
2)Laboratory soil investigation
a) Sieve analysis
b) CBR Test
c) Proctor Compaction Test
d) Consistency test
e) Shear Strength Test
3)Foundation analysis and design
- Standard Penetration Test Apparatus
- Triaxial Compression Testing Machine
- Direct Shear Testing Machine
- Unconfined Compression Testing Machine
- Relative Density Testing Machine
- Consolidation Testing Machine
- Vane Shear Test Apparatus
- Universal Cone Penetrometer
- Permeability Test Apparatus
- Standard and Modified Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus
- Hydrometer
- Sand Replacement Method Apparatus

The primary objective of this lab is to demonstrate environmental engineering testing procedures.
- Analysis of Physical Properties of Water
- Analysis of Chemical Properties of Water
- Analysis of Metal Concentrations of Soil (Cu, Ni, Na, Cr, Fe, Mn, Cd, Al, Zn, Pb, K)
- Analysis of Metal Concentrations of Soil (Cu, Ni, Na, Cr, Fe, Mn, Cd, Al, Zn, Pb, K)
- BOD Incubator
- Spectro photometer
- Muffle Furnace
- Hot Air Oven
- Jar Test Apparatus
- Kjedahl digestion and distillation apparatus
- Nephelo turbidity meter
- DO Analyser
- Digital conductivity meter
- Digital photo colorimeter
- Digital pH meter
- Refrigerator
The Surveying laboratory undertakes works related to site survey, levelling and preparation of layouts, Contour mapping using Total station.
- PENTAX total station
- Electronic Theodolite
- LYNX ST 20 E Vernier Theodolite
- LYNX Dumpy level model

COMPUTER AIDED STRUCTURES LABORATORY is a well equipped lab offering a different dimension of Civil Engineering. It allows the students to use different softwares and its applications.
- 37 Computers
- ZWCAD2011
- Staad Pro V8i
- AutoDesk Revit Architecture 2016
- AutoCad Mep 2016
- Autocad 2016

To cater the students need in the field of research and to work on the research projects, a separate research lab has been setup in the Civil Department.
- 20 Computers
- ZWCAD2011
- Staad Pro V8i
- AutoDesk Revit Architecture 2016
- AutoCad Mep 2016
- Autocad 2016
- ANSYS 15
- MATLAB 2014