Part of NIA Educational Institution

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) is a recent off-shoot in the academic departments of Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology. The mission of the EEE Department is to offer an undergraduate program that imparts a basic understanding of electrical and electronics engineering built on a foundation of physical science, mathematics, computing, and technology. The department is affiliated to Anna University and accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), AICTE, New Delhi & ISO Certified.
Graduates of the undergraduate program are expected to possess knowledge of the fundamentals of electrical engineering and of at least one specialty area. The graduates are expected to have the basic experimental, design, and communication skills to be prepared for continued study at the graduate level or for entry level positions that require a basic knowledge of electrical engineering, science, and technology.

We have experienced a surge in undergraduate enrollment in EEE branch. Together with increased management support, these dynamic and positive changes are reshaping the Department’s objectives in education and training, giving our students not only the excellence in technological knowledge and applications, but in a multidisciplinary engineering background for the career directions that our students have planned. The department offers four year Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with an annual intake of 120 students, a two year Master of Engineering in Embedded System Technologies with an annual intake of 12 students. It is recognized as a research center to offer Ph.D programme.

Best EEE College in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET

EEE Engineers in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET

Best EEE College in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET

Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET

Vision of EEE Department

We develop globally competent Electrical and Electronics Engineer to solve real time problems of the industry and society and conduct research for the application of knowledge to the society.

Mission Statement for EEE Department

In order to foster growth and empowerment, we commit ourselves to

  • Develop electrical and electronics engineers of high caliber to meet the expectations of industries through effective teaching-learning process
  • Improve career opportunities in core areas of electrical and electronics engineering.
  • Inculcate leadership qualities with ethical and social responsibilities

Department Brochure

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