Part of NIA Educational Institution

Get set for 6 really cool things once you get on board MCET

When you enter your college life after 12th standard, Lot of dreams about it and your search for best engineering college in Coimbatore ends with MCET. College life is full of excitement and it’s about getting out on your own for the first time, exploring new things, meeting new people, and learning everything from how to do a research and how to deal with difficult and/or awesome situations. Get set for 6 really cool things once you get on board MCET!

Serene Campus

MCET is situated in Pollachi, Coimbatore known for its greenery and it is in the lap of Mother nature. Students could pull up a bench at one of their favorite walkways in campus to focus and study their subjects.  Enjoy fresh air, study and discuss in calm and peaceful environment with birds’ chirping. The campus tranquil surroundings act as a cool quotient of MCET that lets you sit back and relax or study along with these scenes.

Sports & other extracurricular activities

As the saying goes, “A sound mind makes a sound body”, students are offered with extracurricular activities. As a comparatively fresh campus, with vast stretches of space for sport activities- students at MCET has sprawling acres of field- as their territory for sports as their own kingdom. Right after classroom sessions, students gather around the basketball court or are seen forming teams for their evening cricket, volleyball or TT sessions. Amidst hearty laughter and healthy banters, they contest each other over friendly matches and minor competitions.

Hostel memories

Living in the hostels on campus is of the same kind to having a home away from home, for most of our students! There’s no doubt that MCET hostel is the Mecca of all-things-fun! With the television stationed in the hostel, students can enjoy their evening snacks, munching and surfing channels or enjoying movies. There are also indoor games that you can play but you will literally have to wait your turn and cuddle all the heat of the sports before you can settle down with your score over your opponent in the match. With separate boys and girls hostel, there is so much fun to explore and make memories. With delicious and healthy food facilities for you, you are sure to miss your hostel next time you get back home!

You could spend time at your gym, boosting your immune system and start your day afresh! You are provided with all amenities like laundry facilities, health clinic and more.

Canteen facilities

There is no doubt that during assignments and last minute deadlines, the night canteen becomes the go-to place for the procrastinators and the night-time students on campus. The canteen helps the students to answer the midnight cravings with some healthy and quick to eat food. Sometime the menu gets rejigged and makes your evening crunches even more delicious.

Weekend gateways

Within hour’s drive, MCET-ians can plan their weekends in ways to make it to the town, for relaxed- touristy weekends. Topslip Tiger Forest, Anamalai Wild Life Sanctuary, Monkey falls are among the favourite tourist spots for students coming from various parts of India and the globe. Eco tours in Topslip are the ones you just shouldn’t miss. And what about the popular local food dishes? Well, if you are a non-vegetarian, give your taste buds the luxury of Aliyar dam’s freshly toasted fishes – typically the dam fishes. That’s how it goes for our students in the MCET campus! They all study, explore, enjoy and work hard. At times, they cycle to Aliyar to recreate their minds after packed week days.

The student clubs & committees

From the Literary Society to Entrepreneurship Cell, giant stuff happens at the MCET campus. With more super active societies and clubs MCET-ians choose to be more and better- every single day. The sun never sets at the MCET campus!

There is no doubt that MCETians will enjoy their life at MCET as soon as they on-board college.