Part of NIA Educational Institution

Harita Techserv Research Centre

MCET in association with Harita Techserv Limited have set up this centre to enable students and faculty members to develop skills in the field of new product development and to conduct research on manufacturing technologies. This centre was established in the year 2014 with the investment of 40 Lakhs contributed by the college and 200 crores worth software granted by Dassault Systemes. An exclusive centre that houses Dassault Systemes softwares like CATIA and DELMIA for Digital Product Design and Manufacturing.

This centre helps to enable student’s researchers to learn and conduct research. Harita Techserv identified experts will periodically mentor, progress monitor the faculty member’s research design, skill development, engineering research activities, performances. They will also evaluate the student researcher’s learning progression and give additional inputs if required. Harita Techserv would conduct “Campus Placement Drive” for recruiting “Trainee Engineers” from amongst the student researchers. Harita Techserv may depute technical experts in specific domains to give technical seminars; research highlights and also address specific case studies with student researchers.