Part of NIA Educational Institution

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) was established in the year 1998 with intake of 40 students. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering offers premier professional training with an eye on the modern developments in Electronics and Information technology. The department is affiliated to Anna University and accredited by National Board of Accreditation, AICTE, and New Delhi & ISO Certified.

The department is teamed with an Excellent Infrastructure, Competitive Faculty and an Active Student association. It offers an outstanding opportunity for budding professional to polish their skills and outperform their competitors.Also our department is affiliated by Anna University, Chennai as research Centre to pursue Ph.D.

The department offers value added courses apart from the regular subjects which enable the students acquire marketable skills. Many passed out students of the department are placed in companies like Robert Bosch, Soliton Technologies ltd, VVDN technologies, InfosysTechnology ltd, TCS,VIRTUSA,NTT DATA,CTS, Tech Mahindra, UST, Sutherland Global, NetO2, PatniComputers, Cyber slash support, Sensiple, Impiger,Servion global solutions, Face Training institute,Accenture,IBM, Burning glass, Polaris,L&T INFOTECH, CMS IT services, HP and jasmine InfoTech, etc.,

Electronics & Communication Engineering in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET

Department of ECE in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET

ECE Department in Coimbatore - Dr. MCET



    To strive for excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering education, research and technological services imparting quality training to students, to make them competent and motivated Engineers.


    The department is committed to
  • Impart high-quality technical education in Electronics and Communication Engineering through effective teaching-learning process and updated curriculum.
  • Equip the students with professionalism and technical expertise to provide appropriate solutions to societal and industrial needs.
  • Provide a stimulating environment for continuously updated facilities to pursue research through creative thinking and teamwork.


  • 1998: Start of B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (with an intake of 40 )
  • 2000: Intake increased to 60
  • 2003: ISO 9001:2000 Certification
  • 2006: Intake increased to 90
  • 2007: Accreditated by NBA
  • 2007: Intake increased to 120
  • 2009: MoU with BSNL
  • 2011: Autonomous Status
  • 2012:M.E. Communication Systems (intake 18)
  • 2012: MCET Agilent Centre For Multipurpose Lab Station
  • 2013:Re-Accreditation by NBA
  • 2014: Accredited by NAAC with A+
  • 2015: Research Centre Status by Anna University
  • 2016: Re-accredited by NBA.
  • 2018: Accredited by NAAC with A++
  • 2018: NDA signed with Semiconductor Laboratory (Department of Space), Chandigarh
  • 2018: Donation of million dollars worth of Commercial-grade Mentor Graphics EDA suite by Semiconductor Laboratory (Department of Space), Chandigarh to ASIC Centre of Excellence
  • 2019: MoU signed with e2-S Technologies India Pvt. Ltd
  • 2019: NBA accreditation extended for 3 years (till 2021)
  • 2019: MoU signed with Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI)
  • 2020: MOU signed with Test and Verification Solutions, Chennai
  • 2021: MoU signed with PicoCircuits Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • 2022: NBA accreditation under Tier -1
  • 2023: Started B.E – ECE(Advanced Communication Technology) with an in-take of 60
  • 2023: Mou signed with the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER) – Chandigarh