About the Club:
The Rostrum Club, since its inception on 07-09-2016, has hosted numerous events and competitions for the students to enhance their language skills. The club members are admitted into the club after getting their consent individually. Rostrum Club fosters peer interaction, teamwork, leadership skills, communication skills and many more. Regardless of the industry, linguistic ability is a key requirement for employers, and the rostrum club removes such linguistic inhibitions. Peer contact is emphasised in this club, which offers equal opportunities and roles to all of its members.nterpersonal Skills.

- To enhance the student’s communication skills and English language proficiency. It helps the students to practise speaking English in real-life situations. It enriches the individual’s teamwork and leadership skills.
- To help members improve their speaking abilities, which are thought to be the most challenging to master.
-> Individuals’ marketing and communication skills are improved both directly and indirectly through these activities.
-> During Intra college symposiums/events, students are offered the opportunity to assume leadership roles.
-> Group discussions conducted at regular intervals help the students crack their GD rounds during their placements.
-> Members are given a variety of club responsibilities, such as president, treasurer, coordinator, etc., depending on their abilities and performance. The club provides several platforms to hone their Communication Skills and Interpersonal Skills.
Monthly / Weekly activities like extempore, role play, debate, dialogue delivery, picture description, JAM, promoting the product, etc. are organized through the club.

Rostrum Club Coordinator:
Ms. R. Vidhya,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Science & Humanities (English),
Dr Mahalingam College of Engineering & Technology,
Pollachi – 642003.
Email: rostrum@drmcet.ac.in